Ayashii World Genealogy

An English translation of a no Keifu (ぁの系譜; a's Genealogy); a genealogy of the Main (メイン) line of Ayashii World bulletin boards.

Note that there have been many more Ayashii World bulletin boards than just the ones displayed here; these are just the major ones that led up to and derived from Shiba's Ayashii Wold Main Keijiban (あやしいわーるどメイン掲示板; Strange World Main Bulletin Board) that existed from 1998-05-24 to 1998-09-03.

You can scroll left and right if your display isn't wide enough to view the full document. If anthing appears misaligned, make sure you view this page with a Japanese monospace font (e.g. MS Gothic, Osaka-Mono, IPAMonaGothic, etc.).

Ayashii World's Genealogy (up to 2000-04-19)

┃Translator's notes:         ┃
┃Shiba = founder of Ayashii World  ┃
┃Taihi = refuge / evacuation     ┃
┃Honten = head office / main office ┃
┃<> = title of a given lineage   ┃
┃↓ = still existed on 2000/04/19  ┃

Shiba Era, 1st Period (Digital Eden) 96/8~96/12Shiba Era, 2nd Period (Kenjinkai) 96/12~97/3Shiba Era, 3rd Period (jcat, K&T, IntaractiA, MuryouRental) 97/3~97/9Shiba Era, 4th Period (Xtel, Solidigit) 97/9~98/3Shiba Era, 5th Period (Shibuya/Ikebukuro Hyper and others) 98/3~98/5Shiba Era, 6th Period (WEBDESIGN) 98/5~98/9
Taihi-you 98/9                       Famille, 1st Period 98/9~99/4                            Meiso 98/9~
│                                  │                                        │
Yuuyuu Club 98/9                           │                                        │
│                                  │                                        │
Denki Maker Honten, 1st Period 98/9~98/12              │                                        │
│ (Ayashii Hiru no Bu/Yoru no Bu Honten)               │                                        │
│                                  │                                        │
Denki Maker Honten, 2nd Period 98/12~99/1              │                                        │
│ (Hiru no Bu/Yoru no Bu Honten)                    │                                        │
├────────────────────────┐         │                                        │
<Honten>                  <REBIRTH>       │                                        │
Denki Maker Honten, 3rd Period 99/1~99/10   REBIRTH 99/1~99/4  │                                        │
│ (306c6d Honten)                 │         │                                        │
│                        └──────┐  │                                        │
│                        :      ↓  │                                        │
│                        :     Famille, 2nd Period 99/4~99/6                              │
│                        :         │ (Main Era)                                   │
│                        :         │                                        │
│                        :     Famille, 3rd Period 99/6                                 │
│                        :         │ (/1/ Era)                                   │
│                        ├─────────┘                                        │
│         KCOM 99/6~99/7      REQUIEM 99/6~99/7                                           │
│          :             │                                                  │
│          :┌────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────┐        │
│          <II>                                                   <Kinsan>      │
│         ARENA/II, 1st Period 99/7                                           Kinsan 99/7~99/9 │
│           │ (until the Extra split)                                           │ :      │
│           ├──────────────────────────────────────────────┐       │ :      │
│         II, 2nd Period 99/7~99/9                                   <Extra>     │ :      │
Pororo Honten      │ (Halted・until the ??? split)                         Extra, 1st Period 99/7  │ :      │
│99/10~00/3      ├───────────────────────────────┐              │       │ :      │
│         II, 3rd Period 99/9~99/11                  <Christmas Shima>         AMG 99/7~99/8 │ :      │
│           │ (until the November suspension)          Toriaezu no Zantei-ban 99/9       │       │ :      │
│           ├────────────────┐              │         Extra, 2nd Period 99/8  │ :      │
│           :              <Raper>            ??? 99/9~99/10       │       │ :      │
│           :               Net Pro 99/11         │             Grind 99/8    │ :      │
├───┐       ├────────────────┘│            Wakana 99/10~99/11      │       │ 2000 99/12~ │
│ <Inujini>   II, 4th Period 99/11~00/2     Millenium 99/11~00/2     │         Extra, 3rd Period 99/8~ │ │      │
│Inujini Ayashii    │ (until the Yamashita crisis)   │          Christmas Shima 99/11~      ├───────┘ │      │
│   │00/1~     │                 └─────┐       │              │         │      │
│   │     II, 5th Period 00/2                │       │              │         │      │
│   │       │ (non-ARENA)                II Taihi 00/2  │              │         │      │
│   │       ├──────────────┐        │       │              │         │      │
│   │     II@Maripe Moe! 00/2     <Mirai>       │       │              │         │      │
│   │       │             Mirai 00/2~    │       │              │         │      │
│   └──┐  II, 6th Period 00/2~      │        │       │              │         │      │
Taihi Honten │    │ (since AGStar's return)  │      @Pyongyang 00/3~ │              │         │      │
│00/3~   │    │              │        │       │              │         │      │
↓      ↓    ↓              ↓        ↓       ↓              ↓         ↓      ↓

Simplified Genealogy of Main (up to 2007-01)

Digital Eden 96/8~96/12
Main 98/5~98/9
Taihi-you Hikounin       Famille                 Meiso 
98/9             98/9~99/6                98/9~
│               │                   │
Yuuyuu Club 98/9        │                   │
│               │                   │
Honten (Denki Maker)      │                   │
98/9~99/10           │                   │
├────────┐      │                   │
│       REBIRTH     │                   │
│      99/1~99/4    │                   │
│        └─────→│                   │
│               │                   │
│        ├──────┘                   │
│        │                          │
│       REQUIEM 99/6~99/7                   │
│        │                          │
│        II  99/7~00/2                   │
│        │                          │
│        ├──────────────────────┐   │
Honten (Pororo)  │                   Christmas Shima│99/10~00/3   │                      99/9~  │
│        ├───────────────┐      │   │
Taihi Honten   II@Maripe! 00/2       Mirai     │   │
│00/3~00/4   │              00/2~05/03   │   │
│        II 00/3~           │      │   │
Honten (Kamisama) │               │      │   │
│00/5~00/10   ├──────────┐    │      │   │
│        │          NG     │      │   │
Honten (ds)    ├───┐    00/10~02/4  │      │   │
│00/10~     │  Zantei      │    │      │   │
│        │  02/1~03/1    │   QWERTY 05/3~  │   │
│        │   │     Nozomi   ├──┐   │   │
│        │ Zantei Taihi  02/8~   │ Hinata   │   │
│        │  03/1~     │    │ 05/11~  │   │
↓        ↓   ↓      ↓    ↓  ↓   ↓   ↓


2000-04-19 genealogy

2007-01 genealogy